[video width="1280" height="720" mp4="http://mrtomcowell.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Inside_Amy_Schumer_Schwinter_Is_Coming_hd720.mp4"][/video] My voice-over got used for an Inside Amy Schumer promo spot. I nailed the direction: "boy prince pederast".
When you know you're killing it
I am listening to Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search For Meaning" on audio-book while scheduling tweets.
R.I.P. Johan Cruyff
Can't believe Johan #Cruyff has died. I prefer to think he pretended to die, and sent the world media in entirely the wrong direction.
This disgusting Brussels attack
What a glorious chapter in the annals of warfare. Killing 14 unarmed people by the Starbucks in Terminal B. True valor. #Brussels
Special People Ep. #38: Jennie Sutton
Special People ep. #37: Daniel Perafan, pt. II
An important message from the Chairman
I think there's a market for this.
The Call Back
We're doing this series at work. Tim Duffy and I write the jokes. Julie V. does the design. Look out for it.
An important message from the Chairman
"Once an audience realizes that their approval is irrelevant to you, they often relax and start to give it to you." - Stewart Lee
An important message from the Chairman
I'm writing a radio play for Carrot Top. First line: "Look at this crazy prop". "And how about this one?" is his second.
Special People Ep. #35: Selena Coppock
An important message from the Chairman
This person is a badass. I had no idea this was an issue. Please consider supporting RISE and Sexual Assault Survivors’ Rights Act. http://ift.tt/1oEGFFB
Happy World Nutella Day
Attention Rolling Stone
The Millenial Bill of Rights
That Feeling Whensday
We're all cowards
On his way up, how many people do you think refused to talk shit about Hitler? "Look, he's always been nice to me."
David Foster Wallace
Infinite Jest turns 20 years old today. I definitely read it. What was your favorite part? That was my favorite part also.
That Feeling Whensday
Realistic Barbie